Immunology Diagnostic

Mediclim started the business development journey in 1994 with high quality products, including since 2000, immunological reagents and analyzers that have been recognized by the Romanian in vitro diagnostic market for their excellence over all these years.

We are proud to work with global leaders in IVD immunoassay market like bioMerieux which has more than 55 years of experience and offers a wide range of tests in immunoassay domain, some of them with high medical value and the largest installed base of immunoassay systems in clinical laboratories which includes over 35 000 systems: MiniVIDAS, VIDAS PC and the newest VIDAS3, which brings complete autonomy and improved traceability.

With the immunoassays reagents and VIDAS platform bioMerieux provides the most simple and robust technique that delivers reliable and rapid results.

Another top producer is FUJIREBIO, well-known worldwide since 1966 for their excellent products and solutions in clinical labs.

They have accumulated over 25 years of automated CLEIA testing expertise, being one of the first companies of the world to launch a fully automated chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay instrument, with a LUMIPULSE system, today known for LUMIPULSE G 600 and LUMIPULSE G1200.

They are the original developers of market-defining oncology assays such as CA125II, CA19-9, CA15-3 and HE4 and the first to launch a biomarker for early detection of the plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease.

The immunoassay portfolio was extended in 2020 with the solutions provided by PROGNOSIS  (Gr) and ADALTIS (It), the last one being the developer of complex fully automated ELISA and IFA systems Personal Lab and NEXgen.

Representing all these manufacturers we can promote to our customers all the types of immunoassays detection methods (Immunochromatography, ELISA, ELFA and CLEIA) and a wide range of immunological tests:

  • Infectious diseases, hepatitis, HIV, HTLV, ToRC, EBV, H. Pylori, Lyme, Measles, Mumps, VZV,
  • Cardiac markers
  • Venous thrombosis markers
  • The largest panel of tumor markers
  • Autoimmunity and Thyroids
  • Fertility
  • Bone metabolism, Anemia, Diabetes
  • Neurodegenerative biomarkers etc

Especially for the actual pandemic context we present a comprehensive panel of immunoassays test for helping screening and diagnosis for COVID 19 patients:

  • Rapid Antigen and Antibodies Tests:

Rapid Test 2019-nCov Total Ig (Prognosis)

Rapid Antigen Surface 2019-nCov (Prognosis)

ESPLINE® SARS-CoV-2, rapid antigen test (Fujirebio)

  • Automated immunoassays qualitative or quantitative assays:

ELISA Ig A, Ig M or Ig G OR ELISA Ig total anti SARS COV 2 (Prognosis, Adaltis)

ELFA Ig M or Ig G Vidas SARSCoV -2 (bioMerieux)

Lumipulse® G SARS-CoV-2 Ag (Fujirebio)

  • Complementary tests:




VIDAS High Sensitive TROPONIN and Vidas NTproBNP

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